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Class: 2nd Science * Chapter 2. * Plant For Us * • Plants are useful to us. Most of the food comes from them.

Class: 2nd Science
* Chapter 2. 
* Plant For Us *
• Plants are useful to us. Most of the food comes from them.
• We use some plants in making various medicines.
• The seeds of some plants are crushed 
to give us oil.
• The flowers of rose, jasmine and champa plants are used to make perfumes.
• Some trees give us special wood to make furniture.
• We make rubber and paper from rubber plant and bamboo plant. We get gum from the acacia tree.
• Mats and ropes are made out of jute fibres.
• Wood of some trees are used as fuel.
• Plants make the air fresh and clean.
A. Tick [✓] the correct answer:
1. We get tea, coffee, cocoa and sugar from ----- (b) plants [✓]
2. We eat the ---- of some plants.
(a) stems [✓]
3. Plants are very ----- to us.
(a) useful [✓]
4. We use these ------ in making various medicines. (a) plants [✓]
5. We use different parts of various
as food. (a) plants[✓]
B. Fill in the blanks:
[ fibre, root, plant, teak, mustard ]
1. -------- are used for many purpose.
Plant [✓]
2. The ------- of turnip are used as food.
Root [✓]
3. The jute plant is used for making ------.
Fibre [✓]
4. We get oil from ------.
Mustard [✓]
5. The ----- is used for making furniture.
Teak [✓]
C. Write True [✓] or False [×] :
1. The stem of a rose plant are used to prepare scents.True [✓] 
2. We eat the roots of ginger and radish plants. False [×]
3. We get fibres from cotton and mango plants. True [✓] 
4. We eat the seeds of a pea plant and a gram plant. False [×]
D. Answer the following questions :
1. How are fibres useful?
Ans: We get cotton fibre from cotton plants and mat and ropes are made out from jute fibre. Fibre is useful for us.
(हमें कपास के पौधों से कपास के फाइबर मिलते हैं और जूट फाइबर से चटाई और रस्सी बनाई जाती है। फाइबर हमारे लिए उपयोगी है।)

2. What adds flavour to our food?
Ans.Cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, dried seeds fruits, roots or bark.They add flavourto our food.
(.दालचीनी, काली मिर्च, इलायची, सूखे बीज फल, जड़ या छाल। वे हमारे भोजन में स्वाद जोड़ते हैं।

3. How do we get oil from seeds?
Ans: The seeds of ground nut, coconut, sunflower and mustard plants are crushed to get oil.
( अखरोट, नारियल, सूरजमुखी और सरसों के पौधों का बीज को कुचल कर तेल पाया जाता है। )

4. What do plants gives us?
Ans: Oxygen, food, aid, perfumes, oil medicines etc.
E. Name:
1. Two plants whose grains we eat -----
--- Wheat, Rice.   
2. Two plants whose leaves we eat ----
--- Tea, Cabbage
3. Two plants whose stems are eaten---
--- Sugarcane, Ginger
4. Two plants whose roots are eaten ---
--- Carrot, Radish
Fun Time
Rose. Tea Leaves.  
Henna. Banana. Mustard.  
A. Bamboo, eucalyptus.
B. 1. Eraser 2. Pencil
C. ....................................
Extra knowledge:
Plants are very useful to us in many ways.
There are many benefits we get from plants:

* We eat the roots of some plants.
Carrot(गाजर), Turnip(शलजम), Radish(मूली), Sweet potato (शकरकंद) etc.

* We eat the stems of some plants.
Sugarcane(गन्ना), Ginger(अदरक), Potato(आलू)etc.

* We eat the leaves of some plants.
Cabbage(गोभी), Spinach(पालक), Lettuce(सलाद), Coriander(धनिया) etc.
The leaves or seeds of some plants are used for making drinks.
Tea(चाय), Green tea leaves(हरी चाय की पत्ती), Coffee Beans(कॉफी बीन्स) etc.

 * We eat flower of some plants.
Banana flower(केले का फूल), Cauliflower(फूलगोभी), etc.
* We eat the fruits of some plants.
Banana(केला), Apple(सेब), Papaya(पपीता) etc 

* We eat the seeds of many plants.
Peas and pea pod(मटर और मटर की फली), Grams and Gram pod(ग्राम और ग्राम फली) etc.

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