* Globe and Maps *
To know about the Earth in detail, we cannot go to the whole earth. To study it correctly we study some special types of images. These drawings are made from a flat surface or a spherical surface. It is called Map and Globe respectively.पृथ्वी के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए हम पूरी पृथ्वी पर नहीं जा सकते। इसका सही अध्ययन करने के लिए हम कुछ विशेष प्रकार के प्रतिबिम्बों का अध्ययन करते हैं। ये चित्र समतल सतह या गोलाकार सतह से बनाए जाते हैं। इसे क्रमशः मानचित्र और ग्लोब कहा जाता है।
*The Globe is a smaller scaled Earth. It shows us the shape and location of the continents, oceans, countries, and the location of the important cities.ग्लोब एक छोटे आकार की पृथ्वी है। यह हमें महाद्वीपों, महासागरों, देशों और महत्वपूर्ण शहरों के स्थान के आकार और स्थान को दर्शाता है।
* On a map, east is always on the right, west is on the left, north is at the top, and south is at the bottom.एक मानचित्र पर, पूर्व हमेशा दाईं ओर होता है, पश्चिम बाईं ओर होता है, उत्तर सबसे ऊपर होता है, और दक्षिण सबसे नीचे होता है।
* All these are only imaginary lines drawn on the globe.ये सभी ग्लोब पर खींची गई काल्पनिक रेखाएं मात्र हैं।
* A globe is a three-dimensional sphere while a map is two-dimensional. The globe represents the whole earth, whereas a map may represent the whole earth or just a part of it. A globe can be used to get a broad-level picture of the world while maps provide more specific information about different places.ग्लोब एक त्रि-आयामी क्षेत्र है जबकि नक्शा द्वि-आयामी है। ग्लोब पूरी पृथ्वी का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, जबकि एक नक्शा पूरी पृथ्वी या उसके एक हिस्से का प्रतिनिधित्व कर सकता है। ग्लोब का उपयोग दुनिया की व्यापक-स्तरीय तस्वीर प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जा सकता है जबकि नक्शे विभिन्न स्थानों के बारे में अधिक विशिष्ट जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं।
A. Tick (✓) the correct option:
1. The cartographers try to minimise the----.
(i) distortions
(ii) globe
(iii) maps [✓]
2. We all are familier with the ----- directions.
(i) four [✓]
(ii) two
(iii) three
3. Rivers, canals, coastlines and lakes, etc., are shown through ------ lines.
(i) red
(ii) blue [✓]
(iii) white
4. A globe is the nearest representation of our ----------.
(i) earth [✓]
(ii) moon
(iii) mars
5. A globe can neither be rolled nor carried in a small----------- case.
(I) bundle
(ii) brief
(iii) suit [✓]
Fill in the blanks with help box.
[ political, south, 300, physical, references ]
1. If the scale is 1 cm: 100 km, a distance of 3 cm on the map would actually be -----------
km on the ground.
Ans: 300.
2. Colours help us to show ------- features.
Ans: physical.
3. The boundaries of states within a country can be seen on a --------- map.
Ans: political
4. All maps also show --------------.
Ans: references
5. On the map of India, the Arabian Sea lies in the ----------- direction.
Ans: south
C. Write True or False:
1. The matic maps show political boundaries between different countries.
Ans: False [×]
2. Roads are shown in blue lines.
Ans: False [×]
3. Deep brown shade stands for a high mountain.
Ans: True [✓]
The plains are shown in yellow colour.
Ans: False [×]
5. Legends are shown through line bars.
Ans: False [×]
D. Match the following columns:
1. Globe.
(iii) a spherical model of the earth.
2. Scale.
(iv) the ratio between the map distance and the ground distance.
3. Cartography
(ii) art of making maps.
4. Atlas
(I) collection of maps.
E. Pick and fill the correct words:
1. River on a map is shown as a single blue line.
2. Capital City of country on a map is shown by Solid circle within a hollow circle.
3. In a Physical Map mountains are shown in
Brown colour.
4. Metaled road on a map is shown as Parallel double solid black lines.
Answer the following questions:
1. Which direction lies at the top of the map?
Ans: North.
2. What is an atlas?
Atlas is a book of collection of Maps.
3. Why do town planners need physical maps?
Ans: Physical maps help the town planner to make decisions about the management and development of cities, towns, villages.
They aim to balance the conflicting demands of housing, industrial development agriculture, recreation, transport and the environment, in order to allow appropriate development to take place.
4. What shade is used in case of shallow sea along the cast?