Our plants Class:- 1st in science *We see many plants around us. The plants are of different shapes and sizes.
A. 1st Our plants (Science)
Our plants : 1st in science
We see many plants around us. The plants are of different shapes and sizes. Plants are classified on the basis of their size and shape. हम अपने आस-पास बहुत से पौधे देखते हैं। पौधे विभिन्न आकृति और आकार के होते हैं। पौधों को उनके आकृति और आकारों के आधार पर वर्गीकृत किया जाता है
Plants are of five types
Tree पेड़,
Shrub झाड़ी,
Herb जड़ी बूटी,
Climber पर्वतारोही
and Creeper और लता.
* Trees. (वृक्ष)
Very big and tall plants are called trees. Example:- Peepul tree, Neem tree etc.
(बहुत बड़े तथा ऊंचे पौधों को वृक्ष कहते हैं।उदाहरण:- पीपल का पेड़, नीम का पेड़ आदि।)
* Shrubs. (झाड़ियॉ)
The dense plants which are small in size are called shrubs. Example:-Rose, Jasmine etc.
(आकार में छोटे तथा घने पौधों को झाड़ी कहते हैं।उदाहरण:- गुलाब, चमेली आदि।)
* Herbs. (शाक )
Very small and seasonal plants are called herbs. Examples: Wheat, grass, brinjal, etc
(बहुत छोटे और मौसमी पौधे को शाक कहते हैं। उदाहरण: गेहूं, घास, बैंगन, मौसमी सब्जी तथा फूलों के पौधे आदि।)
* Climbers. (पर्वतारोही)
Some plants are weak and can not stand on their own. They need support to climb up. These plants are called climbers.Examples: Grapes, peas, money plant etc.
(कुछ पौधे कमजोर होते हैं और अपने दम पर खड़े नहीं हो सकते। ऊपर चढ़ने के लिए उन्हें सहारा चाहिए। इन पौधों को पर्वतारोही कहा जाता है। उदाहरण: अंगूर, मटर, मनी प्लांट आदि।)
Creeper:- Some plants that crawl on the land are called creepers. Examples: Muskmelon, watermelon, pumpkin, etc.
कुछ पौधे जो भूमि पर रेंगते हैं, लता कहलाते हैं। उदाहरण: खरबूजा, तरबूज, कद्दू, आदि।
A. Tick(✓) the correct answer:
1. Plants having thorns are called------ plants.
(c) thorny [✓]
(a) neem
(b) mango
2. We find ------- in different sizes and shapes.
(a) plants [✓]
(b) trees
3. Grapevine is ------------- .
(a) tree
(b) climber [✓]
(c) creeper
4. --------------- a thorny plant.
(a) rose 🌹 [✓]
(b) lotus
(c) grapevine
B. Fill in the blanks:
{ climbers, trees, thorny, shapes }
1. Verybig plants are called -------.
trees [✓]
2. Leaves of different plants have different---.
shapes [✓]
3. The plants that need support to stand are called------.
climbers [✓]
4. Someplants have thorns, they are called---- plants.
thorny [✓]
C. Write True or False :
1. Climbers do not need support to stand up.
False [×]
2. Cactus does not have thorns.
False [×]
3. Leaves of different plants have different shapes.
True [✓]
4. Trees can stand straight.
False [×]
D. Match the words with their correct pictures:
1. Leaf of lotus [ii ]
2. Grass. [iii]
3. Leaf of banana tree. [iv]
4. Cactus.
Name of :-
1. Tow climbers:
Money plant, pea plant.
2. Two shrubs:
🌹 Rose, Jasmine.
3. Two trees:
🌲 Peepul tree, Neem tree
4. Two herbs
Cauliflower, Mint.
Extra knowledge:
Some plants are very weak. They cannot stand on their own. They need support to climb up. They are two types.
1. Creepers: some plants crawl on the land. They are called Creepers. Muskmelon (खरबूजा), watermelon (तरबूज), gourd(लौकी), pumpkin (लौकी) etc are such type of Creepers.
2. Climbers: Some Creepers crawl with the help of any supports. This support can be, another plant, wire, rope, etc. In these Creepers small structure climbs on plants after catching it strongly. Grapevine (अंगूर), pea plant(मटर का पौधा), money plant(मनी प्लांट), bitter gourd (करेला), etc. are such type of Creepers.