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Noun and the case

* The Case*
Case : The relation in which a Noun stands to some other words, or the change of the form by which this relation is indicated, is called the Case                                 ---Nesfield

Kinds of Case.      
1. Nominative Case
2. Objective Case
3.  Possessive Case
4. Vocative Case

1. Nominative Case : When a noun or pronoun is used as the subject of a verb, it is said to be in the nominative case.
* Alisha is eating.
* Dinkar wrote many poems in Hindi.
* The Red Fort is a famous building.
* He has gone to Mumbai.

Alisha, Dinkar, The Red Fort, He वक्य में eating,  wrote, is, has gone के subject का काम करते हैं, अतः ये Nominative Case में हैं, क्योंकि 'subject', Nominative Case में रहता है।

2. Objective Case:  When a noun or pronoun is used as the object of a verb or preposition, it is said to be in the objective case.
* He eats an apple.
* He helped Priyanka.
* You teach her.
* I am going to him.

Apple, Priyanka, her, him का प्रयोग verb eats, helped, teach और preposition 'to' के object के रूप में हुआ है, अतः ये Objective Case में हैं, क्योंकि 'object' Objective Case में रहता है।

3. Possessive Case : When the form of a noun or pronoun is used to show position or relation, it is said to be in the possessive case.
* He is Sohan's brother.
* This is Mohan's book.
* These are the legs of the table.
* She is his wife.

Sentences मेंं Sohan's, Mohan's, the legs of, his से संबंध या अधिकार के भाव का बोध होता है, अतः ये सभी  Possessive Case में हैं।

4.Vocative Case : when a noun is used as an object of address, it is in the vocative case.
Example :
* Look at the blackboard, Rakesh
* Come here, Mukesh,
* Are you going, brother?

Sentenc  में Rakesh, Mukesh तथा brother का प्रयोग सम्बोधन के रूप में हुआ है, अतः ये Vocative Case में हैं।

* Note:- noun चाहे nominative case में रहे या objective case में उसका रूप बिलकुल नहीं बदलता है, लेकिन possessive case में इसके रूप मे परिवर्तन होता है।                                                        Example:                                                                  

* Ram gave him a pen.            

(Ram - In Nominative case). 

* He gave Ram a pen.              

(Ram - In Objective case).      

* It is Ram's pen.                      

(Ram's - In processive case)

* Note:- pronoun के  तीनों  Cases के रूपों में  भिन्नताएं  होती हैं।

                    Case Table                                            Nominative  :   processive     :   objective       .                                         Adjective  :   pronoun

 I,                my.                 mine.            me         

We,             Our.                Ours.            Us           

you,           your.               Yours.           You      

He,             his.                   his.              him     

She,           her.                    hers.            her         

It,                Its.                        X.               It        

They.         Their                 Theirs.       Them


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