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For Class: 5th Science* Structure of flower. *

Class: 5th [Science]
* Structure of flower. *
* Flowers are separated into male and female parts.
* Stamen, the male part, is made up of anther and filament.
* Pistil, the female part, is made up of stigma, style, ovary and ovule.
* Flowers of cucumber, pumpkin and watermelon are imperfect flowers whereas the flowers of rose, lily and dandelion are perfect flowers.
* Bats, bees and wasps, birds and butterflies are some pollinators.
A. Tick(✓)the correct answer:
1. Which pollinator prefers flowers with lots of pollen, dull white or green in colour?
(a) beetles [✓]
(b) hummingbird
(c) bees
2 Pick the odd one out.
(a) plants show movement.
(b) plants have life cycle.
(c) plants do not make their own food.[✓]
3. Which one is the female part of a flower?
(a) stigma[✓]
(b) anther
(c) filament
4. Which one of the following is not an imperfect flower?
(a) cucumber
(b) pumpkin
(C) rose[✓]
B. Fill in the blanks:
[ nectar, anther, pistil, pollen, pollinators ]
1. ------ is the male part of a flower.
[ anther ]✓
2. ------- is the female part of a flower.
[ pistil ]✓
3. Flowers produce a sweet energy drink called----------. [ nectar ]✓
4. --------- helps in the process of reproduction in flowers. [ pollinators ]✓
5. When the egg and --------- meet, a seed is formed. [ pollen ]✓
C. Write True [✓] or False[×] :
1. Moths are night time pollinators. 
True [✓] 
2. Bees prefer bright coloured flowers. 
True [✓] 
3. Bats also eat garden pests.
 True [✓] 
4. The female part of a flower makes the pollen. False[×]
5. A seed is formed when pollen and egg meet. True [✓] 
D. Answer the following questions:
1. Name all the male parts of a flower.
Ans: Stamen, anther, filament.
2. Name all the female parts of flower.
Ans: Pistil, stigma, style, ovary.
3. What do you know by anther and filament?
Ans: Anther:It is a pollen producing part of a stamen. It is usually on top of a long stalk that looks like a fine hair.
Filament: It is fine hair-like stalk that holds the anther.
4. What is stigma?
Ans: Stigma : It is the sticky bulb visible at the center of a flower. It traps and holds the pollen. Pollens germinate on stigma.
5. What is style?
Ans: Style : It is a tube-like structure that holds up the stigma. It leads down to the ovary which contains the ovule.
6. Name four pollinators.
Ans: Bats, bees, beetles, moths.
7. Write at least three common properties of a flowering plant.
Ans: Three common properties of a flowering plants are:
(i) Stamen: Stamen is made up of anther and filament. It is the pollen-producing part of the flower. The stamen is usually the
same as the number of petals.
(i) Petal : It is the colourful and bright part of a flower that attracts pollinators like insects and humans. That is why we buy and enjoy flowers.
(iii) Sepal:It is the green, small and leaf-like structure at the base of a flower. It protects the flower bud before it blooms.
8. Differentiate between perfect and imperfect flower.
Ans: Difference between perfect and imperfect flower:
Imperfect Flower A flower that has either all male parts or all female parts, but not both parts is known as an imperfect flower. Examples: The flower of pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon.
Perfect Flower A flower that has both male parts and female parts is known as perfect flower. Examples: The flowers of lily, dandelion and rose.
9. Define pollination.
Ans: Pollination is the way through which the pollen from the male part of a flower gets to the egg in the female part of the flower to form a seed.

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