'A, an' and 'the' are called Articles.
There are two types of articles.
'A' and 'an' are called Indefinite articles, because they do not refer to a specific person, thing or place.
2. Definite:
'The' is called a definite article because it refers to a certain person, thing or place.
* Use of 'A' and 'an'
* 'A' is used before that singular noun which is pronounced with the sound of consonant.
Examples: A cat, a book, a horse, a college a farmer,
* 'A' will be used before a singular noun that begins with a vowel but is pronounced with a consonant sound.
Examples: a University, a uniform, a European.
* 'An' is used before a singular noun that is pronounced with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).
Examples: an apple, an egg, and orange, an Australian,
* 'An' will be used before a singular noun that begins with a consonant but is pronounced with a vowel sound.
Examples: an hour, an honest man, an historical building, an honourable man, an M.P., an M.A., an M.L.A. .
Note: Only countable singular noun take A or An.
* Use of 'The'
Rule 1. 'The' is not used in general sense with proper noun and uncountable noun.
राम एक लड़का है। दूध लाभदायक होता है। सोना पीला होता है। Ram is a boy. Milk is useful. Gold is yellow.
Rule 2. 'The' is used before a singular common noun to denote the whole species but 'the' is not used with a plural common noun, but 'the' will be used before a noun which is special, Be certain and the listener or speaker already knows. In this case the noun is singular or plural, countable or uncountable 'the' will be used.
'द' का प्रयोग एकवचन जातिवाचक संज्ञा से पहले पूरी प्रजाति को दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है लेकिन 'द' का प्रयोग बहुवचन जातिवाचक संज्ञा के साथ नहीं किया जाता है, लेकिन 'द' का प्रयोग उस संज्ञा के पहले होगा जो विशेष हो, निश्चित हो और श्रोता या वक्ता पहले से जानते हों। इस स्थिति में संज्ञा एकवचन हो या बहुवचन, गणनीय या अगणनीय 'द' का प्रयोग होगा।
गाय एक जानवर है। The cow is an animal.
गायें दूध देती हैं। The cow gives milk.
घोड़ा उपयोगी होता है। The horse is useful.
घोड़े उपयोगी होते हैं। Horses are useful.
बच्चे नटखट हैं। The children are naughty.
बच्चे नटखट होते हैं। Children are naughty.
कुर्सी टूटी है। The chair is broken.
कुर्सियां टूटी है। The chairs are broken.
कुर्सियां उपयोगी होती है। Chairs are useful.
Some specific use of 'The' ................