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Adjective: kinds and Degrees

Today in this chapter we will learn about the types and comparison of adjectives.

* An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun or pronoun.

1. Anamika is a clever women.
2. I like Indian goods.
3. Bholu is handsome and intelligent.
4. I don't like that boy.
5. He has a big house.
6. He gave me five pens.

In the above sentences clever, Indian, handsome, intelligent, that, big, five words describe the characteristics of nouns or pronouns used in the sentences, so these words are adjectives.

[Qualifying words are known as adjectives]

Kinds of adjectives
There are seven kinds of adjectives:
1. Adjectives of quality 
    (Proper adjectives)
2. Adjectives of quantity 
3. Adjectives of number 
4. Demonstrative adjective 
5. Possessive adjective 
6. Distributive adjective
7. Interrogative adjective

1. Adjectives of quality 
An adjective of quality shows the kind or quality of a person or a thing;

As: old, foolish, good, honest, bad, large, kind rich poor red long etc.
1. The old man operated the computer.
2. Honest people are always honoured.
3. Kolkata is a large City.
4. The foolish crow began to sing.

[ Adjective se format from proper nouns are called proper adjectives. They are generally classed with adjunctive of quality.

1. I love Indian culture.
2. Do you like Chinese food?

Note: - If the noun is not used immediately after some words like Indian, American, European, then it will be called common noun.
1. I am Indian.
2. You are European.

'Adjectives of quality' answer the question 'of what kind'?

2. Adjectives of quantity 
An adjective of quantity shows the quantity of a thing. It shows how much of a thing is meant;

As: some, little, much, any, enough, whole, all, no, sufficient, a lot of, etc.
1. I ate some rise.
2. You have no sense.
3. She had enough money.
4. He drunk the whole milk.
5. The whole sum was expanded.

Adjectives of quantity answer the question: How much?

3. Adjectives of number 
An adjective of number shows how many persons or things are meant; 

 As: all, few, many, first, two, second, third....., some, no, any, most, several etc.
1. Five girls participated in the competition.
2. Shreya stood first in the class.
3. All boys have come.
4. I have no pens.

Adjective of number answer the question:  
How many?

Note: Some words such as some, all, no, any, a lot of, enough, etc are used before both countable and uncountable nouns.

 * Adjective of number is used before countable noun.
1. I have two brothers.
2. I have three rooms.

* Adjective of quantity is used before the uncountable.
1. She has a lot of coffee.
2. Dharmendra has enough money.

Adjective of quantity --- Adjective of number
He ate some rice.         He ate some mangoes.
I have no ink.                 I have no pen.
Have you any ink?         Have you any pen?

4. Demonstrative adjective
The adjective used to point out some person or thing is called or Demonstrative adjective.

As: This, that, these, those and such etc.
1. This boy is stronger than Monu.
2. That book is yours.
3. These mangoes are sour.
4. Those apples are rotten.

When the noun is used immediately after 'this, that, these, those, such,' then it is called demonstrative adjective. If the noun is not used then it is called demonstrative pronoun.
1. This is a cat.
2. That is a rat.
3. These are cows.
4. Those are boys.

In these above sentences this, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
5. Possessive adjective
A possessive adjective indicates position or relationship.
As: her, his, its, my, our, their, and your.
1. This is my book.
2. My scooter need repair.
3. He is your brother.
4. I know their friends.
5. Its collar is bright.

'Her, his, its, my, our, their and your' are the possessive adjective. They express a sense of position or relationship.

'mine, ours, yours, hers, and theirs also express a sense of position but no nouns are used immediately after them, so they are called possessive pronouns.

6. Distributive adjective
When each, every, either and neither are used just before some noun, they are called distributive adjective.
1. We drink coffee every day.
2. Every man must do this duty.
3. On either side is a narrow line.
4. Neither team will win.
5. Every girl was happy
6. Neither statement is true.

Note: Sometimes nouns are not used immediately after each, every, either and neither, then we call them distributive pronouns.

Each of them was ready.
Eat either of this through bananas.
Each had a pen.
Each of you can do this sum.
Either of you is guilty.
Either will do.
Neither of you is guilty.
Neither will do.
Any of these five girls may dance.

* Either and neither is used for two persons or things.
* Each is used for two or more persons or things.
* Any, none, no, one is used for more than two persons or things.

7. Interrogative adjective
When what, which and whose are used to ask questions immediately before a noun, it is called an interrogative adjective.
1. What time is it?
2. Whose house is this?
3. What book is that?
4. Which book did you buy?
5. Whose book is this?
5. Whose books are those?

Note: In such a sentence, when the noun is not used immediately after what, who and whom, then it is called interrogative pronoun.

1. What is this?
2. Which is yours? 
3. what do you want?
4. Whose is this book?


Degrees of Comparison.           

Adjectives and Adverbs change in from to show comparison.Thery are called the three Degrees of comparison.
1. Positive Degree
2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree

1. Positive Degree : 
When an adjective or adverb is in its simple form it is said to be in the Positive Degree.

as : heavy, good, tall, beautiful, fast, slowly, etc.
A coin is heavy.           She is a good girl.      
The king was wise.     He was very tall.          
He can run fast.          Sita is beautiful.          She writes slowly.
2. Comparative Degree : 
When an adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things together, it is said to be in the Comparative Degree.

as :heavier, better, taller, older, more slowly, etc.
A mobile is heavier than a coin.
Ram is better than Ali.
This is older than that.
He is taller than Ram. 
Ali runs more slowly than Gopi.

3. Superlative Degree : 
When an adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of three or more than three persons or things together, it is said to be in the Superlative Degree.

as :heaviest, best, tallest,oldest, most slowly, etc.
She is the best girl in the class.
This is the oldest tree in my garden.
of all the runners Raj ran most slowly.

1. कुछ Adjectives/Adverbs में r/er और st/est जोड़कर क्रमशः  Comparative और Superlative
Degrees बनाए जाते है|
Comparative and Superlative Degrees are made by adding r/er and st/est to some Adjectives/Adverbs respectively.

Positive.   Comparative.  Superlative
wise.                wiser.            wisest. 
brave.              braver           bravest
large                larger            largest
small               smaller         smallest
tall                   taller.            tallest
old.                  older.            oldest
poor.               poorer          poorest

2. जब Positive एक syllable का रहता है, अंत में एक consonant रहता है और उसके पहले एक vowel रहता है, तब er/est लगाने से पहले consonant को double कर दिया जाता है। जैसे-
red.      redder.      reddest
fat.       fatter.        fattest
thin.     thinner.     thinnest
big.      bigger.       biggest
hot.      hotter.        hottest
sad.     sadder.       saddest

3. जब Adjective के अंत में consonant + y रहता है, तब er/est जड़ने से पहले y को i में बदल दिया जाता है।
happy.   happier.  happiest
easy.      easier.    easiest
heavy.    heavier.  heaviest
dirty.       dirtier.    dirtiest
इसी प्रकार dry, silly, pretty, wealthy, holy, merry, etc के अन्य दो forms बनते हैं। लेकिन जब y के पहले कोई vowel रहता है, तब y को i में नहीं बदला जाता है। जै
gay.      gayer.      gayest
grey.     greyer     greyest

4. ऐसे adverbs जिनके अंत  l y से होते हैं, उनके Comparative और Superlative क्रमश: more और most लगाकर बनाए जाते हैं|
carefully.      more carefully     most carefully
beautifully    more beautifully most beautifully
slowly           more slowly         most slowly
इसी प्रकार wisely, swiftly, etc के अन्य दो forms बनते हैं।

5. तीन या तीन से अधिक syllables वाले adjectives/adverbs के पहले more और most लगाकर क्रमशः comparative और superlative बनाते हैं।
यह नियम कुछ दो syllables वाले के साथ भी लागू होता है। जैसे-
beautiful     more beautiful    most beautiful
useful          more useful        most useful
interesting  more interesting most interesting
careful         more careful       most careful

इसी प्रकार  intelligent, laborious, dangerous, learned, difficult, proper, etc के अन्य दो forms बनते हैं।

6. कुछ adjectives/adverbs ऐसे हैं, जिनके Comparative और Superlative degrees में नये words आते हैं|
good.      better.   best
bad.         worse.  worst
much.     more.    most
many.      more.   most
little.        less.     least
far.           farther  farthest
late.         later.      last.

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