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Showing posts from June, 2021

Chapter - 1.Our Plants Class:- 1st in Science * We see many plants around us. The plants are of different shapes and sizes.

Our plants : 1st in science We see many plants around us. The plants are of different shapes and sizes. Plants are classified on the basis of their size and shape. हम अपने आस-पास बहुत से पौधे देखते हैं। पौधे विभिन्न आकृति और आकार के होते हैं। पौधों को उनके आकृति और आकारों के आधार पर वर्गीकृत किया जाता है Plants are of five types  Tree पेड़, Shrub झाड़ी, Herb जड़ी बूटी,  Climber पर्वतारोही and Creeper और लता. ----------------*-------------- * Trees. (वृक्ष) Very big and tall plants are called trees. Example:- Peepul tree, Neem tree etc. (बहुत बड़े तथा ऊंचे पौधों को वृक्ष कहते हैं।उदाहरण:- पीपल का पेड़, नीम का पेड़ आदि।) ----------------*-------------- * Shrubs. (झाड़ियॉ) The dense plants which are small in size are called shrubs. Example:-Rose, Jasmine etc. (आकार में छोटे तथा घने पौधों को झाड़ी कहते हैं।उदाहरण:- गुलाब, चमेली आदि।) ----------------*-------------- * Herbs. (शाक ) Very small and seasonal plants are called herbs. Examples: Wheat, grass, brinj...

GERMINATION OF SEED * Germination is the process in which the seed starts turning into a plant. In this, a small plant starts coming out of the seed at the time of germination. This mainly happens when the seed gets the necessary material and environment. It requires the right temperature, water and air.

What is reproduction? Through reproduction, an organism increases its species by giving birth to another organism similar to itself. This process of giving birth is called reproduction. प्रजनन के माध्यम से एक जीव अपने समान ही दूसरे जीव को जन्म देकर अपनी प्रजाति को बढ़ाता है।  जन्म देने की इस प्रक्रिया को प्रजनन कहते हैं। * Plants reproduce in two ways. (1) Reproduction from seeds (2) Vegetative reproduction. * Stage of seed germination Germination is the process in which the seed starts turning into a plant. In this, a small plant starts coming out of the seed at the time of germination. This mainly happens when the seed gets the necessary material and environment. It requires the right temperature, water and air. बीज अंकुरण की अवस्था  अंकुरण वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें बीज एक पौधे में बदलना शुरू कर देता है। इसमें अंकुरण के समय बीज से एक छोटा पौधा निकलने लगता है। यह मुख्य रूप से तब होता है जब बीज को आवश्यक सामग्री और वातावरण मिलता है। इसके लिए सही तापमान, पानी और हवा की जरूरत...


Prepositions Mohammad is in the room.  Gudiya is going to school He is angry with me.  Ravi came by bus. इन वाक्यों में आए. शब्द in, to, with और by ये सभी Prepositions है। Definition of the Preposition : Preposition वह शब्द है, जो किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले आकर उस Noun या Pronoun का संबंध वाक्य में प्रयुक्त किसी अन्य शब्द या शब्दों से कराता है। A preposition is a word usually placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence; as, in, into, on, at, with, without, to, from, of, by, etc. Note : Preposition प्रायः Noun/Pronoun के पहले आता है। परन्तु कुछ परिस्थितियों में इसका प्रयोग sentence/clause के अंत में होता है या हो सकता I need a pen to write with.   What are you thinking of ? Which class do you read in ?  What are eyes for ? अब कुछ Prepositions के प्रयोग वाक्यों में देखें- 1. In & Into :  कुछ वाक्यों में in स्थिरता का बोध कराता है और into बाहर से भीतर आने की गति का; जैसे- He is in his room. वह अपने कमरे में है।...

व्याकरण परिचय * किसी विषय का अध्ययन प्रारम्भ करने के पहले उस विषय की परिभाषा जान लेना आवश्यक है। यहाँ आप व्याकरण का अध्ययन प्रारम्भ कर रहे हैं। अतः व्याकरण के सम्बन्ध में जान लेना आवश्यक है।

किसी विषय का अध्ययन प्रारम्भ करने के पहले उस विषय की परिभाषा जान लेना आवश्यक है।  * भाषा : हमारे मन में बहुत से भाव उठा करते हैं, जिन्हें हम दूसरे के सामने प्रकट करना चाहते हैं।  जैसे: हमें भूख लगती है, तो भोजन माँगते हैं, आवाज देकर पुकारते हैं। इन सारी बातों को हम लिखकर या बोलकर प्रकट करते हैं। लिखने या बोलने के लिए भाषा की जरूरत होती है।  अतः "जिसके द्वारा मनुष्य अपने मन के भावों को लिखकर या बोलकर दूसरों से प्रकट करता है, उसे 'भाषा' कहते हैं।" 'भाषा' वाक्यों के मेल से ,  'वाक्य' शब्दों के मेल से ,  'शब्द' अक्षरों के मेल से  मिलकर बनती है। अतः अक्षर, शब्द और वाक्य ये तीनों ही 'भाषा' के मूल आधार हैं। * व्याकरण : हर 'भाषा' की व्यवस्था के लिए 'व्याकरण' की जरूरत होती है। "व्याकरण" भाषा के लिए कानून की किताब है। यह भाषा के नियमों को संग्रह करता है। "व्याकरण वह शास्त्र है जिसके पढ़ने से मनुष्य शुद्ध-शुद्ध लिखना, पढ़ना और बोलना सीखता है।" व्याकरण के मुख्यतः तीन भेद हैं : 1. वर्ण-विचार । 2. शब्द-विचार । 3. व...

KINDS OF NOUN * Noun:- a noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing.

KINDS OF NOUN Noun:- a noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing. There are five kinds of noun. Proper noun         व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा Common noun     जातिवाचक संज्ञा Collective noun    समूहवाचक संज्ञा Material noun       द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा Abstract noun।     भाववाचक संज्ञा Proper noun:-   A proper noun is the name of a particular person animal place or thing. किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर, स्थान या वस्तु के खास नाम को Proper noun कहते हैं।  जैसे:- Ram, Tom, lucky, Ranchi, Bihar, Nepal, Asia, the Ganga, Yamuna, the bay of Bangal, Indian Ocean, Red fort, the Golghar, the Bible, the Geeta, Hindi, English, Sunday, Monday, the Hindustan time, Eid, Holi, Deepavali etc (Note:- व्यक्तियों, जानवरों, स्थानों, नदियों, खाडियों, सागरों, महासागरों, जंगलों, मरुभूमियों, पहाड़ों, चोटियों, स्मारकों, भावनों, पुस्तको, भाषाओं, दिनों, महीनों, समाचार पत्रों, पर्वों, इत्यादि के खास नाम को व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहत...

Tree, Shrub, Herb,Climber, Creeper. Class:- 1st in Science

Class 1st      Science   Points:- * Tree. * Shrub. * Herb.                 * Climber. * Creeper. * Tree:- Big, tall, thick stem plans are called trees.  Examples: Mango, Banyan, peepul etc. * Shrub:- The dense plants which are small in size are called shrubs. Examples: Jasmine, rose, mehndi etc. * Herbs:- Very small and seasonal plans are called herbs. Examples: Wheat, grass, brinjal, etc. The stems of some plants are very weak. They cannot stand straight. Some climb with the help of support. Some crawl on the ground. They are of two types. * Creepers:- Some plants that crawl on the land are called creepers. Examples: Muskmelon, watermelon, pumpkin, etc. * Climbers:- Some plants that climb with the help of a support are called climbers. Examples: Grapes, peas, money plant etc. Exercise A. Tick(✓) the correct answer: 1. Plants having thorns are called------ plants. (c) thorny [✓] (a) neem (b) mango 2. We find...

Class:3rd science। * Animal and plants * * Both animals and plants are living things but they are different in many way.

Class:3rd science * Animal and plants * * Both animals and plants are living things but they are different in many way. * Animals move but plant don't move.  * Animals eat plants.  * Animals breath through lungs, gills, or air hole while plants breathe through stomata.  * Animal have sense organs but plants do not have sense organs..  * Animal reproduce by laying eggs or by giving birth to young ones while plants reproduce from seeds or other parts. -------------------*-------------------- • Human breathe through nose, some animals breathe through nostrils, insects breathe through tiny holes. • Animals cannot make their own food but plants can make their own food. • Animals can walk and move for food but plants cannot move from one place to other. • Movement is the main difference between animals and plants. • Animals produce their own kind by either giving birth to young ones or by laying eggs. -------------------*-------------------- A. Tick(✓) the correct answer: ...

Class: 4th Science. * Plants - Food Production * * Green plants are the main source of food for all living beings.

Class: 4th Science. * Plants - Food Production * * Green plants are the main source of food for all living beings. * In the absence of leaves in desert plants their stems make their food. * Being non-green in colour the leaves of moulds and mushroom cannot make food. * Plants make their food in form of fruit sugar, sugarcane's sugar, starch and cellulose. * Food helps the plants to grow and repair of their damages. * Veins enable leaf to distribute water and food within the leaf. * Stomata help in the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. They also give out water vapour. [For-Q1.] * Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight and chlorophyll are necessary for the process of photosynthesis. [For Q3] * Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants make their own food. * Some unique plants such as mushrooms and Fungi do not have chlorophyll. * Plants and animals are equally important for each other. ----------------------*---------------------- A. Tick(✓) the correct answer: 1. What do...

Class:5th Science। * Germination of seed *। * The embryo is the baby plant. * The plant embryo forms a hard wall around itself and is then known as a seed.

Class:5th Science * Germination of seed * * The embryo is the baby plant. * The plant embryo forms a hard wall around itself and is then known as a seed. * In order to germinate, a seed needs three things: water, air and the right temperature. * The seed with a small roof and a small shoot is called seedling. * Wind, water, animals and humans are the agents of seed dispersal. * In vegetative propagation plants reproduce with the help of their roots, stems and leaves and not through seeds. * Various stages are involved in growing healthy crops. * Plants reproduce in two ways (1) Reproduction from seeds (2) Vegetative reproduction. CONDITIONS FOR GERMINATION OF SEED Seeds need special conditions for germination. e.g. (1) Plenty Of Fresh Air : Seeds get oxygen to breathe from air trapped in soil. They are sown near the surface of soil. (2) Plenty of Water : Seed absorbs water and becomes soft. It swells up and seed coat is ruptured to let the baby plant come out. (3) Enough Sunlight And W...

शब्दों के आधार एवं वर्गीकरण * व्याकरण के जिस भाग में शब्दों के भेद, अवस्था और व्युत्पत्ति का वर्णन हो, उसे शब्द-विचार कहा जाता है।

**शब्दों के आधार एवं वर्गीकरण ** * व्याकरण के जिस भाग में शब्दों के भेद, अवस्था और व्युत्पत्ति का वर्णन हो, उसे शब्द-विचार कहा जाता है। * शब्द: वर्णों और मात्राओं के मेल से बनते हैं। * वर्णों के मेल से बने सार्थक वर्ण समूह को शब्द कहते हैं। * शब्दों के आधार एवं वर्गीकरण * * शब्द की रचना प्रायः चार प्रकार से होती है। 1. अर्थ की दृष्टि से, 2. व्युत्पत्ति (रचना) की दृष्टि से,  3. उत्पत्ति की दृष्टि से, 4. प्रयोग की दृष्टि से । -------------------*--------------------- [1]अर्थ की दृष्टि से शब्दों के दो भेद होते हैं  1. सार्थक 2. निरर्थक 1) सार्थक शब्द:- वह शब्द जिसका स्वयं कुछ अर्थ हो, उन्हें सार्थक शब्द कहते है।  जैसे--माता, पिता, विद्यालय, छात्र, शरीर आदि। 2) निरर्थक शब्द:- वह शब्द जिसका कोई अर्थ नहीं होता, उन्हें निरर्थक शब्द कहते है। जैसे-चप,मट,लप,तफ आदि। -------------------*--------------------- [2] व्युत्पत्ति (रचना) की दृष्टि से शब्दों के तीन भेद होते हैं। 1. रूढ़, 2. यौगिक 3. योगरूढ़ । 1) रूढ़:- जिस शब्द के कोई खण्ड सार्थक न हो, उसे 'रूढ़-शब्द' कहते है। जैसे—'झट...

Class 2nd Science. * Chapter 1. Plant's Life:। * Trees. (वृक्ष)Very big and tall plants are called trees.

Class 2nd Science. Chapter 1. Plant's Life: * Trees. (वृक्ष) Very big and strong plants are called trees.  ----------------*-------------- * Shrubs. (झाड़ियॉ) The dense plants which are short and hard stems are called shrubs. ----------------*-------------- * Herbs. (शाक ) Very small and seasonal plants are called herbs. ----------------*-------------- * Climbers. (पर्वतारोही) Some plants are weak and can not stand on their own. They need support to climb up. These plants are called climbers. .................................. Some plants are weak, that cannot stand on their own, which need support to climb up, they are called climbers. ----------------*-------------- What is plant life? The plant life cycle consists of four stages; seed, sprout, small plant, and adult plant. ----------------*-------------- ** Life of Plants ** A. Tick(✓) the correct answer: 1. The small plants are called (a) shrubs [✓] (b) herbs (c) twiners 2. Some -------- are big and strong. (a) plants [✓] ...

Basic Geometry * * Triangle, Quadrilateral, Rectangle, Square and Circle are some of the common plane figures. P

* Basic Geometry * Point: A point has no length, breadth or thickness. Line: A line has no fixed length and no breadth or thickness. Line Segment: A straight line with two end points is called a line segment. Ray: A line segment extended endlessly in one direction is called a ray. Defferent Types of Lines Horizontal line: Vertical lines: Slanting lines: Parallel lines: Wavy lines: Curved lines: Intersecting lines: Plane figures: Triangle, Quadrilateral, Rectangle, Square and Circle are some of the common plane figures. Plane figures has two things-  sides and vertices. Vertex: the meeting point of two line segments is called vertex. Triangle: A simple closed plane figure with is surrounded by three line segments is called a triangle. Quadrilateral: a figure bounded by four line segments is called a quadrilateral. ( A quadrilateral has 4 side, 4 vertices, 4 angles.) Rectangle: A quadrilateral in which opposite sides are equal to each other and each angle is equal to to 90 degree is ...

Class: 2nd Science * Chapter 2. * Plant For Us * • Plants are useful to us. Most of the food comes from them.

Class: 2nd Science * Chapter 2.  * Plant For Us * • Plants are useful to us. Most of the food comes from them. • We use some plants in making various medicines. • The seeds of some plants are crushed  to give us oil. • The flowers of rose, jasmine and champa plants are used to make perfumes. • Some trees give us special wood to make furniture. • We make rubber and paper from rubber plant and bamboo plant. We get gum from the acacia tree. • Mats and ropes are made out of jute fibres. • Wood of some trees are used as fuel. • Plants make the air fresh and clean. -----------------*--------------------- A. Tick [✓] the correct answer: 1. We get tea, coffee, cocoa and sugar from ----- (b) plants [✓] 2. We eat the ---- of some plants. (a) stems [✓] 3. Plants are very ----- to us. (a) useful [✓] 4. We use these ------ in making various medicines. (a) plants [✓] 5. We use different parts of various as food. (a) plants[✓] -----------------*--------------------- B. Fill in the blanks: [ ...


* Average * An average is the result that we get when we add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers we added together. * How do we find the average? To find the average, first find the sum of all the quantities and then divide it by the total number of quantities. The quotient is called the average of the quantities given. * Average =  sum of quantities ÷ number of quantities. ---------------------*------------------------ Example 1:  * Find the average of 90 and 110. sum of quantities. = 90 + 110 = 200 number of quantities = 2. Average = ? (sum of quantities ÷ number of quantities.) = 200 ÷ 2 = 100 Average = 100 And.      ---------------------*------------------------           Example 2 :  * Find the average of first 4 multiples of 8. First 4 multiples of 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32. sum of quantities. = 8+16+24+32 = 80 number of quantities = 4. Average = ? (sum of quantities ÷ number of quantities...

What is Arithmetic ? (अंकगणित): There are a total of 10 numbers in arithmetic 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. With whose help other large numbers are formed.

Mathematics is a group of disciplines that study numbers, quantities, forms and their mutual relationships, properties, nature, etc. (गणित ऐसी विद्याओं का समूह है जो संख्याओं, मात्राओं, परिमाणों, रूपों और उनके आपसी रिश्तों, गुण , स्वभाव इत्यादि का अध्ययन करती हैं। ) There are several branches of mathematics. Arithmetic         अंकगणित  Geometry           रेखागणित Trigonometry     त्रिकोणमिति  Statistics            सांख्यिकी  Algebra               बीजगणित इत्यादि। * Arithmetic (अंकगणित): Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that consists of the study of numbers, especially the properties of the traditional operations on them-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and extraction of roots.  अंकगणित गणित की एक शाखा है जिसमें संख्याओं का अध्ययन होता है, विशेष रूप से उन पर पारंपरिक संक्रियाओं के गुण- जोड़, घटाव, गुणा, भाग, घातांक...

वर्णमाला * वर्णों के समूह को वर्णमाला कहते हैं।हिंदी वर्णमाला में कुल 11+33+3+2+3 = 52 वर्ण होते हैं।

* वर्णमाला * वर्णों के समूह को वर्णमाला कहते हैं। हिंदी वर्णमाला में कुल 11+33+3+2+3 = 52 वर्ण होते हैं।  स्वर वर्ण -11, व्यंजन वर्ण - 33 ,   संयुक्ता व्यंजन - क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ =3, अयोगवाह-अं और अः = 2,  आधुनिक हिंदी में -ड़, ढ़ और श्र = 3    वर्णों के दो भेद हैं     1. स्वर वर्ण  2. व्यंजन वर्ण स्वर वर्ण :- जिन वर्णों का उच्चारण स्वयं हो यानी दूसरे वर्ण की सहायता न लेनी पड़े, उस वर्ण को स्वर कहते हैं। जैसे :-     अ,आ,इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ  स्वर वर्ण  कुल 11होते हैं  उच्चारण के विचार से स्वर के तीन भेद होते हैं। ‌1.ह्रस्व स्वर :- जिन स्वरों के उच्चारण में एक मात्रा का  समय लगे, उन्हें ह्रस्व स्वर कहते हैं।       जैसे :- अ, इ, उ, ऋ । ‌2. दीर्घ स्वर :- जिन स्वरों के उच्चारण में दो मात्राओं का समय लगे, उन्हें  दीर्घ स्वर कहते हैं।       जैसे:- आ, ई, ऊ।       (दीर्घ स्वरों का उच्चारण  ह्रस्व की अपेक्षा लंबा और        ऊंचा होता है।) ...

भाषा की उत्पत्ति *

* भाषा की उत्पत्ति * भाषा नदी की धारा की तरह चंचल है। वह रुकना नहीं जानती यदि कोई इससे बलपूर्वक रोकना भी चाहे तो भाषा उसके बंधन को तोड़ आगे निकल जाती है। यह उसकी स्वभाविक प्रकृति और प्रवृत्ति है। हर देश की भाषा के इतिहास में ऐसी बात देखी जाती है।

First Chapter * introduction of Grammar / व्याकरण

जिसके माध्यम से मनुष्य अपने मन के भावों को लिखकर या बोलकर दूसरों से प्रकट करता है,उसे भाषा कहते है| Through which a human person expresses his feelings by writing or speaking to others, it is called language हर 'भाषा' की निर्माण के लिए एक नियमावली की जरुरत होती है| जिसे उस भाषा की कानूनी किताब या व्याकरण कहते है जो भाषा को नियमबद्ध करता है|  A manual is required to produce every language. Which is called the legal book or grammar of the language which rules the language व्याकरण नियमों का वह संकलन है जो हमें शुद्ध_शुद्ध लिखना, पढना और बोलना सिखलाता है| Grammar is a compilation of rules that teaches us to write, read and speak pure. 'भाषा' वाक्यों के मेल से, 'वाक्य' शब्दों के मेल से और 'शब्द' अक्षरों के मेल से बनता है| 'Language' is made of a combination of sentences, 'sentence' is made of a combination of words and 'word' is made of a combination of letters अतः अक्षर, शब्द और वाक्य ये तीनो ही 'भाषा' के मूल आधार है| Theref...

Class: 2nd (Social study). * Worship's places *

Class: 2nd (Social study) * Worship's places * * People visit temples to offer prayers and seek blessings of the Deity. * We all believe in one God. * We worship Him for His blessings. * There are many religions in our country. * People call God by different names.  * They worship Him at different places. * Hindus worship in Temples. * The Vedas, the Gita and the Ramayana are the holy books of Hindus. * Muslims worship in Mosques. * The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. * Christians worship in Churches. * The Bible is the holy book of Christians. * Sikhs worship in Gurudwaras. --------------------*------------------- Answer of the following: A. Tick (✓) the correct option: 1. Johny joins the ----- prayer on every Sunday. (ii) Mass [✓] 2. He puts on the best----- (i)clothes [✓] 3. Puneet visits----- (i) temple [✓] 4. The -----  is the holy book of Christians. (ii) Bible [✓] 5. He wishes good health for-----in his family. (ii) everyone [✓] --------------------*-----------------...

Class: 1st * (Social study) * Ancient Human's Life

Class: 1st   Ancient Human's Life  Ancient human's life did not live like us. They lived in forests and caves. They did not wear clothes. They used animal skins and tree leaves to cover their bodies and only ate fruits and raw vegetables. Their life was very simple. 1. Early man lived a very difficult life. 2. Early men did not wear clothes as we do. 3. They ate raw food as they did not know cooking. 4.They killed wild animals with stones and clubs. 5. They learnt to make fire by rubbing two stones. 6. He had to carry heavy loads on his back. 7. After the invention of the wheel, early men made a great deal of progress. 8. Today, we cannot imagine life without the wheel. ----------------*----------------- Answers of the following: A. Tick(✓) the correct option: 1. Early humans used to cover their bodies. (iii) both of them [ ✓ ] 2. Early humans depended on: (i) forests. [ ✓ ] 3. The early humans wanted animals for: (i) food. [ ✓ ] 4. They discovered fire by rubbing: (ii) two st...

Social study . Class: 5th Globe and Maps [B]

* Globe and Maps * To know about the Earth in detail, we cannot go to the whole earth. To study it correctly we study some special types of images. These drawings are made from a flat surface or a spherical surface. It is called Map and Globe respectively.पृथ्वी के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए हम पूरी पृथ्वी पर नहीं जा सकते। इसका सही अध्ययन करने के लिए हम कुछ विशेष प्रकार के प्रतिबिम्बों का अध्ययन करते हैं। ये चित्र समतल सतह या गोलाकार सतह से बनाए जाते हैं। इसे क्रमशः मानचित्र और ग्लोब कहा जाता है। *The Globe is a smaller scaled Earth. It shows us the shape and location of the continents, oceans, countries, and the location of the important cities.ग्लोब एक छोटे आकार की पृथ्वी है। यह हमें महाद्वीपों, महासागरों, देशों और महत्वपूर्ण शहरों के स्थान के आकार और स्थान को दर्शाता है। * On a map, east is always on the right, west is on the left, north is at the top, and south is at the bottom.एक मानचित्र पर, पूर्व हमेशा दाईं ओर होता है, पश्चिम बाईं ओर होता है, उत्तर सबसे ऊपर होता है,...

Number system:

numbers play an important role of in mathematics: Type of number 1. Natural number 2. Whole number 3. Integer number 4. Rational number 5. Irrational number 1. Natural number:-  Natural numbers are also called counting numbers.  [ 1,2,3,4..etc are all natural numbers.] [ It is denoted by the letter N.] [ The smallest natural number is 1.] 2. Whole number:-  All natural number along with 0 are called whole numbers . [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..... etc are whole numbers.] [ The set of whole numbers is denoted by the letter W. ] [ The smallest whole number is 0.] 3. Integer number: The whole numbers together with the negatives of counting or natural number are known as integers. [The set of integers is denoted by the letter l. -3,-2,-1, 0,1,2,3...... etc. are all integers. 1,2,3,4........ etc.are positive integers. -1,-2,-3,-4,.......  etc. are negative integers. 0 is neither positive nor negative.] 4. Rational number: A number of the form p/q, where p and q are integers and p≠...

Maths Class: 5th Chapter 3. Indian place and International value chart

Maths Class: 5th Chapter 3. Indian place and International value chart Indian place value chart ------------------------------------------------------ Crores   Lakhs  Thousands    Ones. Tc   C.    TL  L    T-Th  Th.       H  T  O         6,     3   7,        4      3,          5  6  9 -------------------------------------------------------- First Period :- Ones    [ H  T  O ]  Place:- H- Hundreds, T- Tens, O - Ones  The first period from right to left is known as Ones period. It contains three places : ones, tens and hundreds. Hundreds (100)  Tens (10)  Ones (1). * 569 mean. = 5 hundreds ( 5 x 100 ) = 6 tens ( 6 x 10 ) = 9 ones ( 9 x 1) = Five Hundred And Sixty Nine.  ----------------*----------------- Second Period :- Thous...